Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Democracy: Definition
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday Night Mojito
Friday, April 27, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Media Players - Why is it so hard to find a decent player for OSX
Since I've changed my workstation from FreeBSD to OSX, the only real problem I have had is finding a decent media player. I only have a couple of requirements:
- A small footprint (in terms of resources) - I don't want my media player eating up +1GB of system memory, like certain other *cough* iTunes *cough*
- The ability to queue a song (without building a new playlist) - How is this not a feature in ALL players?
- Tagging! I want to tag my music collection, with fx. tunepimp.
- It should be fast!
I'm a huge Amarok fan, and frankly I can't wait for a native OSX version (I know I can run it through X11, but that's not as cool as native) - currently, I'm using Songbird, which shows potential - but still far from fulfilling the above mentioned requirements.
I've tried (and discarded): Cog, NexTunes, Audion.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
No, I do not want to join fucking WAYN!
.. and frankly I don't give a rats ass where you are now, or where anyone else is for that matter..
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Well, I've decided to get into shape again. Mostly seeing Dimitri there feeling damn good about his running routine - I thought, what the hell.. I could stand to drop a few pounds..
Anyway - went up to the local sports-gear-and-stuff store Decathlon, and picked up some nice running shoes, and some other gear - yay!
Been out a few times already - it hurts like hell; but damn it feels good.
To measure my route, I put in place www.odometre.fr (heavily inspired by Kristian's site.. - hey, no point in re-inventing the wheel) - I've added a few niceties - and there will be more to come.
Anyway - give it a try!
PS. Oh yeah, we're not dead. Just too busy to blog...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Yes, I concur
I just got my spanking new MacBook Pro 17" the other day, and I must agree with Lasse - it is probably the nicest laptop, I've ever owned.
OSX is great. So far no problems, except it does take a little getting used to, installing application by drag'n'drop.
I have a few issues getting Finder to show me the content; the way I like it - but I guess I'll get it working eventually.
More to come...