Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

ttytter, perl and fortune

Ttytter is a fully fledged Twitter client written in Perl - it is operated in CLI only.. I love it.

I am not an avid Twitter user, though I try to be - so in order to increase my post statistics, I decided to write a little script that would post something clever everyday.
Enter the fortune game.. pretty much resident on most unix flavors.

I've written a small shellscript that looks like this:

while [ 1 ]
FOO=`/usr/games/fortune -a -s`
if [ ${#FOO} -lt 140 ]; then
        /usr/local/bin/ttytter -curl=/usr/local/bin/curl -status="$FOO"

It basically runs a while-loop -that finds a fortune with less than 140 characters (Twitter message limit), and then posts it to my Twitter account.
If the fortune found is more than 140 characters, it simple fetches another one.

I've added the script to run in cron(1) once a day..

Here's the result from today!

Mazel, mazel...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vistaprint (those S-O-Bs)

So the other day, I purchased a new printer from Fnac.. I bought it online (like most of my purchases nowadays) - and it was shipped to a delivery point near my apartment..  Great.. All is good.

In the box from Fnac, I found a voucher for Vistaprint - offering free business cards, and a company stamp. Since I was in the need of both, I decided to use the voucher..

So going through their "wizard of hell" with more sale offers on everything from t-shirts to websites - I finally pass my order - something that was initially "free" ended up costing me around 30EUR..  Oh well..  I was happy about my order nonetheless.

I got a mail saying that the goods would be delivered the 18/4/12 at the latest. Yeah right.

Went down to the delivery point place today, and of course the package hadn't arrived. So I call up Vistaprint customer service - and after 10 minutes with IVR hell - I finally get connected to some nitwit..
The nitwit can't find any trace of the delivery, and offers to ship a new order (so another waiting 7 days) - I ask him how he intends on making sure that this one will be delivered - to which, of course, he has no answer.

After a few more minutes of me complaining, and he finally offers to ship the order express (3 days) but directly to my apartment - and not the pickup point..

Anyways... I am convinced the whole thing is a scam - and Vistaprint can go SABO..  (Fnac as well for that matter)


A Kuna Matata

Oyé Oyé! We is back!

Only one thing to say.

PLEEEASE let there not be a Socialist president in France - oh PLEASE!

The last thing this country needs is more socialism.

On that fine note - I'd gladly go home, have a spot of rosé, smoke some ribs, but it's fucking pissing down.

oh well.

And we're back...

After a longer hiatus from our part, we are back with the bitchin' and whining..   The original "Ghetto-Net" has since then gone bust, and Dimitri and myself are now working different places..

The weather still sucks, we still love to cook (or more appropriately; eat) - and we'd still rather go live in the south of France..

It's election time again in France, and our buddy Mr. Sarkozy is running for the second term - or at least trying to..  It's not looking good..

Well - that's it for now. Will try to write some more soon.

It's apero time.