well guess what i woke up to this morning..

And from work..

Needless to say it was damn cold this morning. You have to understand we get about 2 days of snow in paris per year, so this is a big deal. You've got kids out there raking the snow off Peugeot hoods to make 3 inch snowmen, I mean Jacques Chirac might make a speech or something, might even fire the Assemblée there..
So it's pretty cool, I mean, it's a change in the daily routine. Did I mention I almost killed myself 7 times this morning walking on ice...
you know.. paris isn't the only place that got hit with snow this morning.. madrid too.. i have pics as well to post later on today... enjoy the snow while it lasts! -andrea :)
excellent!! we got more snow today! Send me your pic of snow in madrid, i'll put it online babes
yo by the way, try this Hello messenger thing, it's pretty ok, and you might as well check out Picasa at www.picasa.com, it's sweet :)
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