I hate this, this is plain stupid.
This morning i wake up feeling like shit as usual, because i have to get my sorry ass out of bed and to work by nine am. So I take the shower, throw some clothes on, and head out, still half asleep, thinking how horrible this day is going to be. Oh yeah, by the way, I was woken up not by my already annoying alarm clock, but by guess what? a JACKHAMMER rattling away outside my window. GOD DAMN IT!
So anyways, I'm walking to the subway feeling like shit, when i remember that Starbucks is opening today at Odeon, I remember because it was posted on the store yesterday. So I look over and sure enough, the place is lit up, all ready to go. And what better than a nice Mocca Frappuccino to start up the day! So i walk over there and step in, 10 euros at hand, when some Dorky bastard comes up to me and tells me they ... ARE NOT OPEN YET! It's 8:15am, and they open at... 8-fucking-30!!!! So I bitched at him, well I mumbled something obscene at the guy, cuz i was still asleep, and walked away PO.
Here's what i don't get. They open a Starbucks in a prime location right in the middle of the Latin quarter, and the fuckers open at 8:30, when about half the fuckers craving coffee at that time have already taken the subway to get their sad asses to work.. Wouldn't it be a little more logical to open at like 7:30, so they could attract the full monty? I mean jesus! what the hell! Maybe Starbucks, that good old US corporation, has had to deal with our Socialist way of having unions, who knows. In any case I am pissed off. Fucking pissed off. Maybe I'll go over there and bitch.
1 comment:
Normally in this case, I would go like : "HAHA, Dimitri.. sucker.." BUT but-but-but in this particular case, Dimitri should have acted like the courier and bringing that fine mocca-frapuccino to my desk every morning ! So, I'm getting screwed as well.
That's it ! I'm going on a long overdue STRIKE !
I'm out.
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